For many tattoo artists, getting your first sponsorship is a huge deal!

If you’re wondering what companies are looking for in their sponsorship deals, read on for tips on how to get yourself noticed and secure those sweet, sweet sponsorships!

What is a sponsorship?

When a company sponsors you, they usually give you a set discount in exchange for the use of content you’ve made.

If you’re applying for a sponsorship with a product manufacturer - such as Kuro Sumi or World Famous Ink - you might get free products sent through, or simply a discount. If you’re looking at a supplier like us, you’ll probably get an exclusive discount code, a banner, and maybe the odd bit of merch.

But there’s no such thing as a free lunch, and the company will want something back from you.

What do sponsors want?

Your first-born child, of course.

Actually, what they want is usually pretty minimal. While your sponsor will outline their expectations, it’ll most likely be a requirement that you tag the company or product in your social media posts. You might be sent some merch to wear at conventions, and you should actively promote the store or product you’re sponsored by as often as possible.

What do companies look for?

Sadly there’s no golden formula, but there are a few things you can do to make yourself more noticeable to these brands!

In your application, they’ll likely want to know how long you’ve been tattooing, what style(s) you work in, what products you use and for how long, whether you visit conventions, and whether you have other sponsorships. Remember that companies won’t want to sponsor someone who promotes their rival, so some sponsorships don’t work well together.

The other route is being head-hunted by the company - in this case, you need to make yourself seen! Use their products visibly, tagging them as often as possible. For instance, if you’re appealing to an ink manufacturer, you could tag them in a post with a video showing you using their products, along with an image of the final piece.

In short, companies want to see that you do great work using their products; that you’re capable of promoting yourself and the brand on social media; and that you’re making a name for yourself.

Going the extra mile

There may be one or two things you can do to really make your application stand out…

Talk about your favourite products! Companies want to know that you’re a genuine user, and a little flattery can go a long way.

Be visible at tattoo conventions! If you visit a convention that we’re at too, come and introduce yourself to the team. Enthusiasm goes a lot further than you might think.

Create content with your target company’s products or branding. If you demonstrate your value, they’ll be more inclined to sign you up.

And if you’re after an elusive Killer Ink sponsorship, you can get in touch with us directly at!

Hopefully there are a few ideas here that’ll help you secure the sponsorship of your dreams – and may the odds be ever in your favour!